
The APC Beekeepers Producers’ Committee was established on 26 August 2003. The agreed focus of the Committee is to provide leadership to beekeepers, ensure governance accountability and identify and implement initiatives for the industry on behalf of all beekeepers in Western Australia.

Vision Statement

To promote the interests of all beekeepers in Western Australia by focusing on pest and disease surveillance, communication and research.

Mission Statement

By supporting worthwhile industry initiatives, the APC Beekeepers Producers' Committee, is committed to securing profitability and sustainability of beekeepers in Western Australia.

The committee represents all Western Australian beekeepers.


For changes to your Registered Mail Address, Email Address or Beekeeper Registration, Contact DPIRD Brands Department.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Attention: Registrar of Stock and Apiaries - Brands Office
PO Box 1231
Bunbury WA 6231

Email: brands.bunbury@dpird.wa.gov.au

APC WA Correspondance Location

PO Box 7205
Contact Information

If you have any questions please can you contact the APC on 9368 3465 or 9368 3734
Follow Us


If you are a registered Beekeeper in Western Australia, you automatically receive the BeeInformed as a service of your annual, compulsory APC WA Beekeeper Fee for Service fees which are in addition to your DPIRD Beekeeper Registration Fees.

If you represent a related sector of Beekeeping Industry Extension, Research or Government and would like to receive our newsletter please subscribe using the form below.

Agricultural Produce Commission - Beekeepers